Techno Metal Industrie generally works exclusively for general contractors who subcontract the metal part of the administration’s specifications to Techno Metal Industrie. The principals are generally Infrabel, TUC Rail, SPW, Sofico, STIB, TEC, etc.
Bridges, footbridges, drawbridges and bowstrings
Techno Metal Industrie’s design office plays a key role in the preparation of the construction of the structure. Whether the client’s specifications are successful or not, the design office must study in detail the manufacture, means of assembly, transport or even the assembly study for the installation.
Each case is different and each specification will have its own specificities that will make it special: bridge, footbridge, bow-string, drawbridge, etc.
The design office’s thinking will of course have an impact on the cost of manufacture, transport and installation. The construction of bridges requires advanced processes and techniques in which quality and quality control play an essential role.
In some cases, depending on the relative share of metal fabrication, Techno Metal Industrie works in a temporary partnership with a general contractor partner.